How dangerous is the medicine for depression made with the help of toddy? The state of mind can do this

How dangerous is the medicine for depression made with the help of toddy?  The state of mind can do this

Fake Depression Medication Side Effects : There has been a stir in UP ever since the factory of fake depression medicines was busted. People taking depression medicines have increased heartbeats at the slightest worry. Till now only Alprazolam tablets have been seized, but this is the first time that the Special Cell has seized its illegal factory. Where medicine for depression was being made from toddy. Last year in November itself, 68,00 tablets of Alprazolam were seized, whose value was more than Rs 2 crore. In such a situation, the question is arising that if fake medicines come into the market like this and its consumption increases, then how bad will it be for the health. Know what side effects fake depression medicine can leave on the brain and overall health…

Medicine for depression made from toddy

The accused told that to increase the intoxication of palm wine i.e. toddy, he used to add diazepam to it. After which the sale of his toddy increased a lot. Then there was a ban on selling diazepam openly in the market, due to which the sale of toddy reduced. Then a year ago, it was decided to add Alprazolam to Toddy, which showed its effect and its sales increased again. Since then the process of making fake depression medicines started.

bad effects of alprazolam on brain

Alprazolam is considered effective in the treatment of depression. According to senior psychiatrist Satyakant Trivedi, such fake medicines have a deep impact on the brain. Apart from this, it affects the nervous system of the brain. Especially such mental patients who become more violent. After taking this medicine they become calm and feel sleepy.

Side effects of depression medication

According to a news in the British newspaper Telegraph, researchers from the University of Cambridge found in their study that anti-depression medicine can make a person blunt. Sometimes he feels happy and sometimes sad. According to studies, people taking medication for depression are unable to enjoy anything. All their emotions get suppressed inside. This is because anti-depression medicines increase the feel-good hormone serotonin hormone, which can have many side effects. There is no enthusiasm left in such people. Their brain is not able to recognize things properly. In such a situation, experts believe that fake depression medicines can badly affect the brain. These are very powerful drugs, whose high dose can even kill.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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